Weekly Photo Email

July Photo Pitches! 

July Pitches and New Email Template!!!

Hey Y'all, I hope you are having a wonderful summer. We recently switched our email server over to mailchimp and as a result have beautiful new email templates.I have some pitches for both the September Issue of The Gateway as a well as a few online articles. 

If you are interested in picking up any of these assignments or have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to email me at [email protected] :)

September Magazine - VRcave

For the September issue of the magazine, we are profiling a up and coming Virtual Reality company that is looking to produce innovative and affordable VR systems. This assignment would involve getting 5 horizontal photos (including photos of the founders, their space and their products) for the September Magazine. Let me know if you are interested in this assignment and I can send you the details.

September Magazine - Academic Journey Feature

For one of the features in the September issue, Irene is writing about how the academic journey can be a transformative experience. Irene talked to three students about how their degrees have been important in shaping who they are. For this layout it would be great to get portraits of all the students and a cover photo. Let me know if you are interested and I can get you in touch with the students :).

 News New Indigenous Sports and Rec Certificate

This story is about a new online course offered by the UofA to help professionals learn about the context of indigenous people and sports and recreation. Let me know if you are interested in getting a portrait for this article!

 Magazine - Illustration Worth it or Not Worth it

For "Worth it or Not Worth it", a new magazine section where writers decide if stuff is worth it or not, we need 4 line art/vector style drawings to symbolize four subjects. The four subjects are:

- Tim Horton's in CAB

- WOW Beer Garden

- GPA Boosters 

- Living in lister

The dimensions for each of the four drawings should be 1.5x1.5 inches. If you are interested in this assignment let me or Alex ([email protected]) know ASAP as the deadline for this illustration is this Thursday the 20th.

 News UofA Program To Lessen Depression in Youth

A UofA psychiatry pilot program at a high school in Red Deer has been found to lessen depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts. For this article it would be great to get a portrait of the psychiatrist we interviewed for the story.