SU Election Coverage! (Opinion)

SU Election Coverage! 

Come out to our special SU election coverage meeting Monday at 3pm in the Gateway office!

Hey everyone! My favourite time of year is just around the corner... SU elections! This Thursday is the deadline for candidates to declare that they are running, and the campaign will truly kick off when we get back from reading week. That means it's time to start gearing up for the Gateway's election coverage! We'll be holding a special meeting with the News volunteers Monday at 3pm. The current SU President Marina Bannister will be there to answer questions, and we'll be going over all the basics of how election coverage is going to work this year. If you are interested in covering elections, but you're unable to attend the meeting on Monday, please let me know! I want to make sure everyone has a chance to get up to speed, so if necessary I'll be holding a couple other meetings just for Opinion volunteers to make sure everyone who wants to write about elections has all the necessary background. The more writers we have working on election stuff, the better! Even if you feel you don't know enough about the SU, or are worried about the time commitment, or just aren't sure you care about election coverage, there is still definitely something you can contribute and the Gateway will be eternally grateful to you. If you're interested in working here next year, this is also incredibly valuable experience! As always, please don't hesitate to contact me here by email, or by phone at 587-437-8583, if you have any questions or want to talk about any of this in more detail. Hope to see lots of you on Monday!