Photo Meeting 013

Winter Term Meeting Times and 1st Photo Meeting of 2019! (Meet 013)

Photo Pitches!

Cool Ghost - Sana

This photo was taken for Halloween streeters!Its one of my favourites from last term.


So I have gone through the votes! A-lot of people voted so thank you for participating!

Our meeting time for winter term 2018 is...

4-5 PM on Wednesday afternoons.

(same as last term)

There were also a fair number of people that can't make meeting times.

For those people, feel free to hang out/study/practice a martial art in the office, don't be a stranger, I want to hear from you!

Winter Open House!

Anyone passionate about or looking for more experience in journalism, writing, illustration or photography should come to our open house.

Find out more about the open house by following the link below.

All the very best,

