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- Opinion Pitches Sept 26
Opinion Pitches Sept 26
Issa pitch list
I got 1, 2, 3, 4 - oh, just 4 pitches...
I also have some sweet updates! NASH is coming up! It's the annual Canadian student journalism conference. Taking place in Calgary, you'll have a chance to hang out with Gateway staff and volunteers, meet other student journalists, and make connections with key players in journalism! If you are interested in going, please email the managing editor, Sofia, at [email protected]! Early bird ticket prices end on Friday, so if you're interested, act quickly! At our meeting yesterday, I ran a presentation on how to write good ledes and conclusions for opinion articles. I'm linking it here for you all for reference. I hope this tool helps you guys to write really great hooks for your articles! As well, to celebrate the great work you guys have been doing, I'm thinking we could go somewhere other than the office for our next meeting; possibly RATT or Dewey's, so we can get food and/or drinks together and hang out! Please vote in this Doodle poll for which you'd prefer! Lastly, I got some pitches for y'all. Friday at 5pm is the deadline for these. Feel free to email me if you want to take one, or email me a pitch if you have something you'd like to write about!
Use of seclusion rooms questioned; Experts say that seclusion in modern inclusive schools may cause more harm than good
This is in relation to the Sherwood Park school that was keeping a 13-year-old boy with autism in a seclusion room for extended periods of time, seriously distressing him.
Experts are
that these kinds of rooms, while useful maybe in short-term situations, shouldn't be being used repeatedly over the long-term. It would be interesting to take this info into account with a
that said that violence against teachers is rising in school.
Board's 'not recommended' book list angers award-winning Indigenous author
An Indigenous author is
by the Edmonton public school board's 'not recommended' list, which has his own graphic novel series in it. The novels are said to be on the list for "sensitive subject matter and visual inferencing of abuse regarding residential schools,' and recommend that teachers should have pre-and-post conversations about residential schools when teaching the book.
The School Board said in response that the recommendations were only there to help teachers make informed teaching decisions around such materials.
NDP MP apologizes for saying Trudeau ‘doesn’t give a fuck about Indigenous rights’ in QP
After dropping the aforementioned f-bomb in Parliment during Question Period, MP Romeo Saganash apologized to the Speaker of the House for his use of unparliamentary language, but still noted that the federal government's treatment of Indigenous peoples makes him upset.
Why some women still fall for ‘benevolently sexist’ men
A study by 2 psychologists analyzed why some women prefer "benevolently sexist" (ie. opening doors for women, the idea of chivalry as signals that women need help to perform tasks or can't put in their own resources to something) men.
Are acts like this kindness? Manipulation? There's a lot of interesting viewpoints in the
about the study, so take a look at it.