Opinion Pitches Oct 24

Opinion Pitches! 

Opinion pitches!

Hey everyone! Hope you're having a great day and that midterms aren't getting you down. Here are some story pitches if you're interested in writing this week! First drafts should be about 500-550 words, and will be due to me by 5pm Friday evening (but if you want to send them earlier, that's amazing). Just reply to this email if you want to pick up any of these pitches, or if you want any more information about these stories! And as always, if you have an idea for an article, feel free to send it my way. 

Spooky stories

This is the week before Halloween so there are lots of Halloween-related topics to cover! How old is too old to trick-or-treat? Is taking your kid to the mall for trick-or-treating safer or just super lame? Can you dress as a fictional character of a different race than you? How do you avoid cultural appropriation when dressing up? Write about any of these topics, or any other Halloween-related things you want to comment on! 

January magazine content 

I know January seems far away, but I'm looking for magazine content! Every magazine contains both a Point-Counterpoint and a Worth It/Not Worth it segment.The Point-Counterpoint segment takes a look at two sides of some kind of contentious issue impacting students. Each column is 200-300 words, and you'll be paired with another volunteer so that you each cover one side. The Worth It/Not Worth It segment assesses whether campus-related things are worth the hype. Topics can range from doing an Honours program, to drinking Pumpkin Spice Lattes, to living in Lister. These are quick, 55-75 word blurbs, so they're a really easy way to be a part of the magazine! Let me know if you're interested in writing either of these segments. It's super cool to see your name in print, so I highly recommend picking one up! 

Council of Catholic School Superintendents of Alberta wants their own sex ed curriculum

Their proposed curriculum includes things like saying gay couples are "not part of God's natural order" and that gender is always linked to sex at birth. Should Catholic schools have the right to create their own sex ed curriculum? More info here

US ambassador to Canada on climate change: "I appreciate and I respect both sides of the science"

She has also said that while Trudeau's approach to climate change has differed from the approach that Trump is taking, the goal of both administrations is to preserve the environment. Would love to hear your hot takes on this, or any analysis on how this will impact future US-Canada relations. 

Lawyers for residential school survivors accused of greedy practices

Saskatchewan lawyer Doug Racine makes the claim that many of his province's lawyers charged excessive fees to their clients, disproportionate to the effort they put in to the cases. You can read more about that here

The Gateway Presents! 

As you may already know, every second Friday from 5:30-6:30pm, CJSR airs a segment of our radio show, The Gateway Presents. Each segment includes an Opinion piece where two people debate on a hot-button issue. Along with pitching Opinion stories for the website or the magazine, please also feel free to pitch me content for The Gateway Presents! Whether you know someone who'd be interested in debating on the show, you have a topic you'd like to see presented, or you'd like to produce a segment all by yourself, let me know and we'll make it happen. 

Shorter segments

Don't have time to write a whole 500-word article this week but still want to write something? Write one of these! They're about 200-300 words and a really good time. - Streeters: I'll match you up with a Photo volunteer and you'll hit the mean streets of campus, armed with a question and a camera, to survey some U of A students. Past questions have included: what should the university's logo be, what was your worst live music experience, and where do you poop on campus.- Burlap Sack: Rant about something that bothers you! - Marble Pedestal: Rant about something you love! - Adulting 101: Either tell us how to do something adult (how to use an iron, how actually make food, etc.) or tell us about a time you failed to do something adult (like that time you put the red sock in with the whites and now everything is pink).