Opinion pitches Oct 10

more spooktastic pitches

Let's get this show rollin'!

Hey all! Hope you all had a great long weekend! Here are this week's pitches! Same deadlines as always, Friday at 5pm, and let me know if you'd like to take a pitch! Another update: if you'd like to be in the December magazine, I'm looking for people to tell me 2-3 sentences about what place makes them feel most at home on campus! I'm shooting for around 15 responses, so if you'd like to participate, please email me your response. Make sure to include your name, program, and year of study in your response!Another note: I'm hoping to work with a volunteer who's written something recently for an episode of The Gateway Presents! I'd like to interview and have a discussion with a writer about something they've written, going through your thought process behind your position and talking about related topics! Please let me know if you'd be intersted! Have a great week, y'all!

Father says Grade 10 worksheet to identify right and left politics was biased against right-wing views

The BC worksheet had some interesting answers, such as

(which is a bit silly cause racism isn't limited to just conservatives...). The worksheet was not part of the Social Studies curriculum and the BC Ministry of Education said it won't be used again.

Shouldn't we be teaching kids nuance when it comes to political positions and the spectrum?

Alberta releases draft of new K-4 curriculum

The new curriculum

, in all its glory. A few of the changes include discussion of consent (without explicitly mentioning the word 'consent'), introducing fractions in grade 1 instead of 3, and introducing Art in kindergarten instead of grade 1. Puberty will also be taught in grade 4, but will not explicitly mention LGBTQ people (that stuff will get taught in wellness and social studies classes).

What do you think of the new updates?

University of Manchester Students' Union bans clapping

Same pitch as last week.

They wish to replace it with the British Sign Langauge equivalent, which some have remarked looks a lot like jazz hands, as a way to

with sensory issues better participate in events and in democratic processes in their SU. Is this an effective form of breaking barriers to participation?

Nestlé, Tim Hortons named Canada's top plastic polluters

An environmental pitch for y'all. Greenpeace and others did an

of trash clean-ups they performed to see who's producing the most stuff that ends up thrown away. They also suggested that recyclability of packaging won't solve the issue of plastics pollution.