Opinion pitches November 15th

Opinion Pitches This Week!

Opinion pitches!

Hey everyone! Hope you're enjoying your reading week. Here are some story pitches if you're interested in writing during your time off! There are a lot of them this week, so I hope something catches your eye. First drafts should be about 500-550 words, and will be due to me by 5pm Friday evening (but if you want to send them earlier, that's amazing). Just reply to this email if you want to pick up any of these pitches, or if you want any more information about these stories! And as always, if you have an idea for an article, feel free to send it my way. 

January magazine content

I'm still looking for someone to sign up to write the Point-Counterpoint about whether or not you should read the comments section (of Gateway articles, of Facebook fights, of anything). These are pretty quick columns, and I'll set you up with another volunteer on a Google doc so you guys can duke it out, one person writing each side of the story.If you don't have time to write a full PCP, write a Worth It/Not Worth It for the magazine! Take anything that's related to campus or that impacts students (whether it be the sodium levels at L'Express, being on a campus sports team, or any other topic of your choice) and tell me whether or not it's worth it. These are 55-75 word blurbs so they're super quick and fun! 

Edmonton Christian couple says they're being discriminated against in the adoption process

Apparently after disclosing the fact that they view same-sex marriage as a "legal reality" but they still believe that homosexuality is wrong, their caseworker told them that their beliefs were "incompatible with the adoption system." You can read more about the case here. These parents say that they're being discriminated against on the basis of their religious beliefs. Do you think they're right? Are there other factors at play here? 

Should CRISPR gene-editing technology be decriminalized? 

If you haven't heard of it yet, CRISPR is a tool that can alter cells to eliminate disease, and also to impact the inherited genes of future generations. There's a ton of potential for genetic advancement here, but also a host of ethical issues, as it's not entirely clear the full extent of the power that CRISPR may have. As you can read here, under current Canadian law, using CRISPR to alter genes whose DNA can be passed on can result in a 10-year prison sentence. Unlocking the full potential of this technology would require a change in that law. 

Edmonton LRT heads down the wrong track (literally)

Last week, a signalling mistake led to a train being on the wrong track near NAIT. City council has responded saying that there aren't any safety issues involved, and that there's nothing to worry about. Does this impact your feelings about the LRT? Any LRT horror stories to share? 

The "why didn't she keep her knees together" judge wants to practice law again 

Robin Camp, a former Alberta judge, stepped down amid criticism for his behaviour in a 2014 sexual assault case where he repeatedly asked the victim why she "didn't resist by keeping her knees together." He is now seeking reinstatement. You can read more about it here

Bill 24 brings controversy to Alberta over GSAs

The legislation, put forward by the NDP party, would prevent school administrators from disclosing to parents whether or not their children are members of a GSA. Jason Kenney, the new leader of the UCP has raised concerns that this is a violation of parental rights. Now the Alberta Catholic School Trustees' Association is worried that the bill will reduce the autonomy of school administrators, as you can read here. What do you think? 

An alternative to opioids? 

A Canadian health group is arguing that the solution to the opioid crisis is to treat pain in other ways, rather than always prescribing opioids. They're promoting things like physiotherapy, chiropractic treatments, and psychological care. You can read more here

Greg Clark steps down as leader of the Alberta Party

By triggering a leadership race, Clark aims to promote the Alberta Party as an alternative to the UCP or the NDP. It's unclear whether or not Clark intends to run in the leadership race. Is this a cheap political stunt or a smart tactic? What does the future of the Alberta Party look like? Are they a viable alternative to the two major parties? 

Old people are getting on the Internet

According to Statistics Canada, the fastest-growing demographic of Internet users is aged 65-75, closely followed by those over 75. I think there's lots of material here for a funny article! What does the Facebook page of a 75-year-old look like? Will Reddit be swarmed with septuagenarians? What does this mean for the future of the Internet?

The Gateway Presents! 

As you may already know, every second Friday from 5:30-6:30pm, CJSR airs a segment of our radio show, The Gateway Presents. Each segment includes an Opinion piece where two people debate on a hot-button issue. Along with pitching Opinion stories for the website or the magazine, please also feel free to pitch me content for The Gateway Presents! Whether you know someone who'd be interested in debating on the show, you have a topic you'd like to see presented, or you'd like to produce a segment all by yourself, let me know and we'll make it happen. 

Shorter segments

Don't have time to write a whole 500-word article this week but still want to write something? Write one of these! They're about 200-300 words and a really good time. - Streeters: I'll match you up with a Photo volunteer and you'll hit the mean streets of campus, armed with a question and a camera, to survey some U of A students. Past questions have included: what should the university's logo be, what was your worst live music experience, and where do you poop on campus.- Burlap Sack: Rant about something that bothers you! - Marble Pedestal: Rant about something you love! - Adulting 101: Either tell us how to do something adult (how to use an iron, how actually make food, etc.) or tell us about a time you failed to do something adult (like that time you put the red sock in with the whites and now everything is pink).