Opinion Pitches February 10, 2021

Opinion Pitches 💥

Take a look at some super snazzy pitches!

One pitch, two pitch, red pitch, blue pitch

Hey everyone! Damian here!As always, it was wonderful seeing everyone at our section meeting yesterday and sharing each other's favorite music albums! Additionally, I'm excited to read the first drafts of your stories on Friday night.At the start of the meeting, Mitchell led a briefing about SU election coverage. If you having any lingering questions from the presentation, or were unable to attend, feel free to contact Mitchell.For those of you that couldn't come to the meeting this week but still want a pitch, we got you covered!Below are the remaining pitches from the Opinion meeting. If you're interested in writing one of the articles in this email, just reply letting me know which one you would like and what your take on it is. Alternatively, if you have a pitch of your own, email Mitchell at [email protected]. Lastly, if you need to reach me, you can contact me at [email protected] or over Slack.All the best!-Damian

Quebec begins to re-open universities

The decreasing cases of COVID-19 has led the province of Quebec to loosen restrictions on university campuses. Students will be able to come to campus anywhere from a few times a month to once a week. Is this the right decision in light of increased cases of COVID variants? How should other provinces respond? Give us your thoughts with this column!


Should academics try to be more mainstream?

There has always been a tension between between academic and mainstream publications. Should professors be more open to guest writing for popular media? Is there a place for professors in the exploding podcast scene? Or should they stick to academic journals and research? Weigh in on the matter with this pitch!

Point/Counterpoint: Tenure

Tenure has always been a controversial subject for post secondaries. By providing professors job security to perform research and teach classes, it can make removal for misconduct or offensive comments difficult. What should the future of tenureship at the University of Alberta look like? Give your take in this column!

Marble Pedestal: Community-based business directories

The value of community-based business directories are often underlooked. For BIPOC and LGBTQ2+ communities, these websites build solidarity and allow people to support local independent businesses. In COVID-19, their role has become even more important. Share your thoughts on community-based business directories with this column!

Group commentary: Edmonton Football Team names

The Edmonton Football Team is finally narrowing down their choices on a new team name! As a Gateway volunteer, we are interested in any of your name ideas. Do you think they should get rid of the double Es entirely? Let your voice be heard in this group commentary!