Opinion pitches🌟

Opinion pitches🌟

Have no fear, Opinion pitches are here!

Breaking News: Opinion Pitches!

Hi all!Good luck on any finals you're finishing up, and I hope you're having a a good start to winter break!Here are this week's pitches! Just let me know which one you'd like and what your take on it will be. And, of course, if you have any pitches of your own, feel free to let me know!As always you can reach Emily or myself anytime at [email protected], [email protected] over Slack!xoxo, Katie 

Petition to switch online circulating 

Professors, students, and non-academic staff are calling for the U of A to follow in the steps of other Canadian universities by making the first two weeks of the semester online to prepare for the Omicron variant. What should the university be doing to keep us safe this semester?

Alberta government rewriting curriculum

The heavily criticized k-6 social curriculum, as well as other subjects, are being rewritten by the provincial government. What changes need to be made? What do you want to see in this revised version?

Eclass going down  

Eclass was down for a couple hours yesterday when many were supposed to be writing exams online! Reach out to the university about why this disruption happened!

Livable wage in Edmonton 

For an individual in Edmonton, the livable wage was found to be $21.26 an hour. Why is this so far off from our minimum wage? And why is no one talking about increasing the minimum wage?

Edmonton outsources compost services 

Edmonton has given up on plans to open its own composting facility in 2025 and have instead decided to outsource the service to private contractors. Was this the right move? Will this successfully help divert Edmonton’s waste?