Opinion pitches💜

Opinion pitches💜

Have no fear, Opinion pitches are here!

Here ye, here ye! Opinion pitches aplenty 

Hey Folks! Reading week is so close, I can feel it. I'm counting down the minutes until we get a (very brief) break from midterms. Some fun announcements this week: t

  • The next Gateway to Cinema is Top Gun: Maverick on Friday, February 24 at 6:45 p.m..

  • The job postings for editorial positions go up on February 23, and close March 9 at 10:00 p.m.. If you want more information, check out Emily's presentation or reach out to any of the line editors! 

  • Keep your eyes peeled for the 2023 Purity Test! It's sure to be a blast. 

With that, here are this week's pitches!Just let us know which one you'd like and what your take on it will be. And, of course, if you have any pitches of your own, feel free to let myself or Katie know. You can reach me at [email protected], and Katie at [email protected] or over Slack! That's all folks!Megan & Katie 

Following the protests in Lethbridge by students, many UASU execs tweeted their support, especially of students having the right to protest. This is in addition to a blurb on their site, saying they support Indigenous students on campus and are willing to fight for reconciliation. But, is this action enough? Or, is more direct action necessary to show the government where students stand, especially ahead of the provincial election in May?

Yegunited recently arranged protests against Edmonton City Council’s 15-minute city district planning strategy. The plan intends to provide resources within 15-minutes of walking, biking or transit distance. However, many people do not think that this is beneficial to city residents. Protesters are concerned that it will contain people within their district, and enforce stronger monitoring as it relates to lowering the city’s carbon footprint. Write an article discussing how such initiatives could be successful, or need rework in the city, and if more public eduction about city plans is needed to gain their support.

ETS announced that ridership has returned to pre-pandemic levels, with many people returning to regular activities again. However, transit safety is still a major concern for many Edmonton residents. Talk about ridership can further impact the issues transit is facing concerning safety, and what needs to change in the near future.

In preparation of the 2023 provincial election, VP External Christian Fotang has begun planning the Get Out the Vote campaign, which encourages university students to vote on campus. However, Fotang faced criticism last year for the campaigns he ran being pretty unsuccessful. Talk about what issues the campaign could be facing that could inhibit its success, like being held at a time where many students aren't on campus, and what needs to change in order to ensure students have a voice on campus.

The collapse of the Albertan Healthcare system has been a widely discussed topic in Alberta for years, especially following the COVID-19 pandemic which exacerbated many of the issues already facing our nurses. Is it wise to send $15 million to train internationally educated nurses? Or, would the money be better spent solving the issues already plaguing our nurses here?