Opinion Pitches

Opinion Pitches ⚾

Take a look at some super snazzy pitches!

Get a pitch and knock it out of the park!

Hi y'all!It was great seeing everyone at the Opinion meeting yesterday! For those of you that couldn't come to the meeting but want a pitch, don't worry, we got you covered!Below are the remaining pitches from yesterday's Opinion meeting. If you're interested in writing one of the articles in this email, just reply letting me know which one you would like and what your take on it is. Alternatively, if you have a pitch of your own, I'd love to hear it! Send me an email at [email protected]. -Mitchell

How does thanksgiving happen in COVID?

With thanksgiving slowly approaching, use this column as a chance to explore ideas on how to safely celebrate the holiday together, while still following COVID-19 guidelines. 

Kenney Calls intersectionality a "kooky academic theory" 

In a press conference last week, Premier Jason Kenney criticized the federal government's throne speech for focusing on "kooky academic theories like intersectionality." Use this column to unpack what intersectionality is broadly and it's place in public policy!

Was the 'bubble' a success or failure?

Now that the NHL season is officially over, Edmonton is no longer a hub city. As the NHL considers what to do next season, use this column as a way to evaluate whether the 'bubble' model was a success or failure for the city.