Opinion Pitches 22/10/20

Opinion pitches 🔥

Take a look at some super snazzy pitches!

You get a pitch, you get a pitch...you all get pitches!

Hi y'all!It was great seeing everyone at the combined section meeting Tuesday and talking to everyone afterwards! For those of you that couldn't come to the meeting but want a pitch, we have a variety of stories for you to choose from.Below are the remaining pitches from yesterday's Opinion meeting. If you're interested in writing one of the articles in this email, just reply letting me know which one you would like and what your take on it is. Alternatively, if you have a pitch of your own, I'd love to hear it! Send me an email at [email protected]. -Mitchell

ETS unlikely to offer new solution for student transit in winter semester

At Students' Council, the Vice President Operations and Finance said that students are unlikely to get a better deal on transit in the winter semester. Use this column to give your thoughts on ETS and suggest potential solutions!

Top 5: Halloween Candy

Which candy always stood out when you were a kid? Did you love kit-kat bars or prefer aero? Better yet — is candy corn worthy a spot on this list? Weigh in on some hot takes on what the best Halloween candy is!

Point/Counterpoint: Should Twitter ban certain content?

Last week, Twitter banned and then, after backlash, subsequently unbanned a

New York Post

article with dubious claims about Joe Biden's son. However, the decision raises a larger question: should social companies ban certain content on their platforms? Give your take!

The body-shaming of Billie Eilish

Last week, a photo of Billie Eilish circulated around social media after some shamed her for her body image. Sadly, many women (and young women in particular) are subject to these kinds of body-shaming everyday. Give your thoughts on what society can takeaway from the body-shaming of Billie Eilish in this column!