Opinion 05/11/20

Opinion Pitches đŸ”„

Take a look at some super snazzy pitches!

More pitches than the MLB!

Hi y'all!It was great seeing everyone at our section meeting on Tuesday and getting to talk with everyone afterwards! For those of you that couldn't come to the meeting but want a pitch, we have a variety of stories for you to choose from.Below are the remaining pitches from yesterday's Opinion meeting. If you're interested in writing one of the articles in this email, just reply letting me know which one you would like and what your take on it is. Alternatively, if you have a pitch of your own, I'd love to hear it! Send me an email at [email protected]. -Mitchell

Is reading week really a break?

For students, reading week is meant to be a break from the stress of academia. However, considering most of us spend our reading week doing readings or working on assignments, how much of a break is it really? Give your take in this column!

Point/Counterpoint: Daylight savings time

Every year, we go through the same cycle setting our clocks back an hour in the fall and then moving them forward in the spring. However, do the pros of daylight savings time outweigh the cons? Argue whether daylight savings is good or bad in this article!

Preparing for the first captive breeding program for Jasper Park Caribou

In response to the declining caribou population, Parks Canada is preparing a plan to round up female caribou and breed them in captivity. Advocates argue this could be the last chance to save populations, while critics say the move would be too invasive. Give your thoughts on the proposal in this column!