October Magazine Pitches!

October Magazine Notes Pitches!

 Hey Everyone! I have some spooky October magazine pitches for grabs! 

I'm currently looking for some volunteers to take on some notes pieces for the October magazine! For those of you who don't know, the notes section of the magazine is for short, digestible, and interactive pieces!

In order to write for the magazine, however, you need to have contributed five pieces of regular content for any section of the Gateway!


  • Design a fear themed fill in the blank exercise! Something like mad libs!

  • Interview med and nursing students about their fears! These are really hard professions to be in and we would like to focus on the fears they have taking care of patients and the pressure to succeed in such a high-stress faculty/profession!

  • Interview a prof about a fear they have related to their profession. For example, you could interview an immunology prof about their fears related to preventable diseases coming back, a sociology/poli sci prof about mass hysteria and moral panics or earth and atmospheric prof about global warming! 

Let me know if you want to take a pitch! Thanks, Khadra