News Pitches Sept 22/2020

Extra, Extra! News Pitches Coming in Hot 🔥







News Pitches!

Hi friends! Here are the left over pitches from the first news meeting! Send me an email or Slack DM me if you're interested in a story! First come, first serve!

  • Write about Tsmis, the CJSR podcast about Filipino diaspora and culture in Edmonton! They are currently working on their second season!

  • U of A press wins publisher of the year!! A big deal if you're into publishing!

  • Preview pandemic perspectives: doctors are often uncomfortable talking to media because they worry about things getting misconstrued (Talk is on the 23rd, can go to the talk itself, or just ask for an interview after the event cause the topic is very interesting!)

  • Research has been done on Chinese international students and their experiences with remote learning. Talk to the company who conducted the survey in Toronto!

  • Wikipedia talks are hosted every month! This month's talk is public accountability! Talk with the U of A's resident Wikipedian-in-residence about it!

  • Access outreach is holding an antiracism panel on September 24th! Go to the panel or try to talk to the organizers about why they are holding it.

  • New research by scientists identifies nanoparticles called colloids and microbiology as two key factors to consider in decommissioned mines

  • Indigenous Healing Plants Workshop is being held at the university! Preview the workshop!

  • Interview campus recreation about how the gym and fitness classes (especially virtual fitness classes) are going to work

  • Biologists show common sunscreen ingredients that leach off the skin while swimming, have detrimental effects on freshwater ecosystem! A cool research story!

  • Profile the workspace 101 course offered by UAlberta Recreation! What is it about? What does it aim to do?

  • Donation of 50 EEG headsets to undergrad psych department! Would be interesting to learn how they plan to use them!

As always, you are also welcome to pitch a story to me!

Let me know if you want to take a pitch by tonight!

Thanks friends!