Last news pitch email for November!

Hey everyone! Here's my list of pitches for this week!

If you're interested in taking any of these, just shoot me an email at [email protected]

1. SUB basement kitchen opens

So last year, the Students’ Union closed L’express and decided to open up a new catering kitchen in SUB basement, and I got word that the kitchen has finally opened. Someone can interview the vp ops fi about it as well as the SU’s future plans for their food/restaurant/catering options. Background info:…/sub-renos-to-cost-2-8-mi…/…/su-to-close-lexpress-caf…/

2. Q&A a kinesiology prof about hazing in sports. There's a super interesting CBC article about hazing in university-level female sports teams in Canada done by a kinesiology prof from the University of Manitoba. Now, we’re not U of M but hazing is an issue affecting campuses across the country, so someone could interview a kinesiology professor here and write it up as a Q&A.

3. Cannabis study on athletes? There have been a few posters around campus asking for people to participate in the study. If anyone’s interested, they can interview the researchers about what they’re doing and why. The poster said you should contact Alec Skillings at [email protected]

4. A U of A study says living in the cold = more likely to hit the bottle. Contact the study’s author: Dr. Juan Gonzalez-Abraldes, a professor of medicine at the University of Alberta. This can be written up as a typical 500-word article or as a Q&A.

5. The team of students from the University of Alberta are among the finalists in The Governor’s Challenge. This is a cool story about students doing cool things. The Governor’s Challenge is an economics/finance competition hosted by the Bank of Canada that simulates the monetary policy decision-making process by putting students in the role of advisor to the central bank.