News Pitches Dec 14

News & Sports Pitches! ๐Ÿ—ž







Hello everyone!!!I hope exams are going well for you all!Here are the news and sports pitches for the week. Let me know if you would like to pick up a pitch or if you have any questions! And as always, feel free to pick up a story or pitch of your own!

News pitches

  • New agronomy courses let students learn the science of prairie farming

  • U of A researchers have created a machine learning model that predicts risk of opioid use disorder for individual patients

  • Drug overdoses can be prevented by providing telephone supervision for people who are using substances alone, according to new research

  • Engineering professor is among 13 U of A researchers on the latest list of the worldโ€™s most highly cited in their fields.

  • U of A researcher engineers portable ultrasound to detect scoliosis in teens

  • U of A researchers and physicians are aiming to combine their expertise in surgery, electrical stimulation and drug discovery in an effort to help more people recover more quickly from nerve injuries and illnesses.

  • U of A has renewed their agreement with Aga Khan university

Sports pitches

No games until January.

You can reach me on Slack or at [email protected].

Have a great week,Martin