News Pitches!

News Pitches!

From climate changing the Hudson Bay to how proposed UCP changes in healthcare will affect women more than men, take a News pitch!

 Hey everyone! Here are some pitches. As always, please let me know if there is something you would like to write on but is not here. 

U of A researchers find better way to treat heart attacks

The U of A has found that treating heart attacks with clot busters leads to better results than traditional approach of a balloon catheter.

 Expert Commentary: Is free transit in Edmonton feasible?  Discuss this as your focus as you interview an expert professor in this field in question and answer format!

Edmonton restaurant adds carbon footprint next to menu items

Local staple High-level Diner is doing this as a way to help show customers their impact on carbon emissions and climate change. Interview them to get the full story!

 U of A student and former Alberta wildfire firefighter criticizes UCP cuts A U of A student who was a member of the elite Alberta wildfire rappel firefighting team wants to be interviewed about his experience with the program and how he believes the UCP scrapping it will be detrimental to Alberta come this summer wildfire season.

 A U of A researcher is exploring treatment options for the coronavirus  Talk with him to get the inside scoop all about the virus, what he is doing, and how he thinks his treatment will potentially help the outbreak.

 Victim of an Edmonton shooting is recovering faster because of U of A research   U of A research on speech pathology is helping this person recover faster! Speak with the researchers and the person affected to get the whole story.

New study showcases climate change's effect on the Hudson Bay

See what the researcher has to say about how the Hudson Bay is changing and affecting Canada as a whole!


Women will be adversely affected by proposed changes to Alberta Health Services by the UCP, finds U of A professor

Associate Professor Yan Yuan has compared performance indicators between fee-for-service and Alberta Health Services-operated mammography clinics, and says Alberta women should be aware of what she found.

 Student run symposium on AI in healthcare  The U of A is hosting a student run symposium on artificial intelligence's role in healthcare. Either preview the event or attend and cover it!