News meeting! Oct 11

NO NEWS MEETING TOMORROW! Moved to Tuesday instead!

Happy Spooky Season/ Thanksgiving News Team!

Hello News Team! Happy Thanksgiving! I hope everyone is enjoying their long weekend! Make sure to get some rest and enjoy the extra day off! There will be NO NEWS MEETING TOMORROW!!! Take the day to enjoy your break and do something fun!!Instead, we will be doing a combined meeting with Opinion and Arts and Culture on TUESDAY FROM 3:30- 5pm! You don't have to stay for the whole meeting, we just wanted to make sure we covered both of opinion's and new's normal meeting times! We will be playing..... drumroll.....AMONG US!!! 

You can play Among Us on your phone for free or pay around six dollars to play on your computer if you really want to! 

We will also be giving out pitches at the meeting! 

This is a great opportunity to not only bond with news volunteers, but also with Gateway volunteers from all sections! 

Next week we will go back to our normal presentation/workshop format!

I will also be sending a pitch email tomorrow so interested volunteers can email their sources ASAP! Any pitches not taken will be given at the meeting! 

Here is the zoom invite for Tuesday:

Meeting ID: 896 3961 2697

Please come and play! It's super fun and we're super excited to play it with all of you! 

Help me pick a new time for news meeting!

Unfortunately, our current time (3:30-4:30 pm) doesn't work for me anymore! I have to attend university meetings every couple of weeks that usually go from 2-4 p.m. Rather than switch meeting times every couple of weeks, I figured it would be better to just switch our meeting time!

Please take a minute to fill out the doodle poll below! Whatever time has the most votes will be our new meeting time! Thanks, friends!

As usual, don't be afraid to email me at [email protected] if you have any questions, concerns, or comments! New volunteers, please feel free to join us on Tuesday! You can also send me an email and we can arrange a time to go over news writing basics! 

Have a good long weekend everyone!! 

Ghost dog!!