Hello everyone! I hope y'all had a good winter break!
With the new semester starting up, the news section would absolutely welcome your help in getting that juicy content in, so I hope you can make it all to meetings which resume this week!
Over the break, several of you told me you wanted meetings to be at 1 p.m. on Monday so that's when they'll be this semester! But if that's still inconvenient, shoot me a message and we'll figure something out! In other news, I just came back from a national student journalism conference in Calgary, and I'm super excited to share some of the things I learned there with you guys, like interview tips and how to do better science stories! Expect to see those in a future workshop! But if you're bummed that school is back, don't worry because I went to a presentation b Jane Lytvynenko from Buzzfeed at the conference, and I learned from her that cute dog gifs fix everything, so here you go! Alright, that's all I have. Hope to see many of you on Monday! -Nathan