Moving the news meeting (again!)

News meeting is being moved to Tuesday, Nov. 20!

News meeting moved to Tuesday at 11:10!

Hey everyone, it looks like something important might be happening on Monday from 2 to 4 p.m. so I'll have to move the news meeting again. Since Tuesday at 11 am worked so well the last time, I'll just move the meeting to that time like before, though I'll give myself 10 minutes to walk from humanities to SUB so it will be closer to about 11:10 am on Tuesday, November 20.

And if that's a bad time just let me know and I might try rescheduling! Otherwise, if you can't make it but you still want to take a story, just message me!Also, since I have your attention, I just wanted to remind you lovely volunteers that if you wanted to get feedback from me one on one, just let me know and we can schedule something! I'd highly recommend doing so if you have plans to get further involved with the news section or The Gateway as a whole!Oh and if you wanted to come along and check out the thing I'll have to go to (General Faculties Council executive committee meeting) that's cool too as it's a cool way to check out how we do our reporting on institutional news. The meeting starts at 2 p.m. tomorrow so just shoot me a message if you're interested!
