The Gateway Opinion Pitches 🔥

The Gateway Opinion Pitches 🔥

Take a look at some super snazzy pitches!

It's pitch time!

Hey everyone! Welcome back to another week. First of all, thank you to everyone who took a pitch or provided their own last week, they were all wonderful. I'm so happy to read all of your writing :)We've got a few things leftover from our meeting this week. Take a look, and see if anything looks interesting to you. As always, if you want to write about something you don't see on here, send me a pitch email! I love hearing all of your unique ideas.If you want to write one of the articles in this email, great! Just reply with which one you would like and what your take is on it. If you would like to contact me but don't have my information, that's also not a problem! You can email me right here at [email protected] 

On Friday, Edmontonians raised over $30 thousand to help homeless LGBTQ+ youth

This is a very sweet, happy-ending kind of story. If you're a little short on time, this would make a great 250-350 word marble pedestal!

A new study found that only 53% of Canadian university students refuse sex by saying the word "no" 

Sexual assault is a complex, tense topic, especially when it comes to university life. This study would a good jumping off point if you're interested in diving a little deeper and finding out more about how sexual assault affects students.

Marble pedestal: your favourite fast food on campus!

I'm guilty, as many of us are, of eating way too much fast food instead of cooking my own meals. This is a chance for you to elaborate on that if you want to! Like A&W? Rave about it! Subway? Opa? Panda Express? The world is your oyster.

Someone stole $80 thousand in wigs from a Florida warehouse

This would be a very good article to flex your skills in humour. I highly encourage you to just have fun with this one! Go on, snatch my wig.