The Gateway Opinion Pitches ⚾

The Gateway Opinion Pitches ⚾

Take a look at some super snazzy pitches!

It's pitch time!

As usual, I would like to thank everyone who took a pitch or gave their own last week. Everything looks great! This week I have a full list of pitches for you to take a look at, so take any you like!I'll be sending out shorter pitch lists each week between our monthly meetings; that way, if you want to write for us but are plum out of ideas, there are always a few waiting! Of course, if you have a pitch idea you want to write about, send it on up! I love hearing your ideas.If you want to write one of the articles in this email, great! Just reply with which one you would like and what your take is on it. If you would like to contact me but don't have my information, that's also not a problem! You can email me right here at [email protected] 

Bianca Andreescu first Canadian to win the Rogers cup final in 50 years

Bianca Andreescu has become the first Canadian to win the Rogers cup final in 50 years! This is an incredible accomplishment for both Andreescu and Canadian tennis as a whole. I would love for someone to pick up this article, it's such an amazing accomplishment!

According to US News, Canada is ranked at #1 in the world for quality of life in 2019

This is good news for us, right? You might want to check out the study's metrics, but this would be a great opportunity for a short article about why you agree or disagree with it!

Jim Donlevy, beloved coach and sports educator at the U of A, tragically passes away

Jim Donlevy has worn many hats over the years, many of which for the U of A. He was an important figure in many sports at the U of A and in Western Canada, and his passing marks the end of an era.

Scientists at U of A working to develop an AI companion for lonely seniors

I'd like this article to be short and sweet. A marble pedestal would be perfect! Or, if you think the idea isn't that good, a burlap sack. I'd love for someone to take this one! 

Versace accidentally listed Hong Kong and Macau as countries, and everyone is losing it

Does something seem amiss to you on this t-shirt? That's because Versace accidentally listed Hong Kong and Macau as countries. Everyone is really upset over this, but do you feel the same? Get opinionated!

Number of Fortune 500 female CEOs reaches an all-time high

The number of Fortune 500 female CEOs has reached an all-time high! Rite Aid is responsible for this news, as they just hired Heyward Donigan as their latest CEO, bringing the total number of female CEOs on the Fortune 500 to 33.