August 9th, 2021 Opinion Pitches


Take a look at some super snazzy pitches!

Opinion pitches are here!

Hey guys! Emily and Malaika here!We hope you guys are enjoying the lovely lightning and thunder we have had the past week :)For those of you who want to write an opinion article this week, we've got you covered!Below are the opinion pitches for the week. If you're interested in writing one of the articles in this email, just reply letting us know which one you would like and what your take on it is. Alternatively, if you have a pitch of your own, email us at [email protected]. Lastly, if you want to reach either of us, you can contact us at [email protected] or [email protected] or over Slack!See you soon!Emily and Malaika

Opinion: Unpaid Internships

Are unpaid internships ethical? Or do they provide a good experience for students? Why do some students get paid to do a co-op while others have to pay to do their practicum? Not everyone has the same opportunities to be able to take on unpaid internships - share your thoughts on this topic here.

Exceptional tuition increases at UAlberta rejected

The provincial government has told the U of A to revise the tuition hikes they announced last spring and do a more extensive consultation process. What should this consultation process look like? Can the U of A avoid such extreme tuition increases?

Britney Spears' conservatorship

Give us the rundown on the latest in the #freebritney movement and talk about the ethics of conservatorships more broadly. Whether you are strongly against or think it might be a multifaceted situation, let us know what you think.

Nightlife during COVID times

There is no denying that going out during Covid times has been trickier than before. With University just around the corner, share your opinions on what it has been like going to the bar (or anywhere else) during these times. What should people expect? Good? Bad? Somewhere in between? Share your hot takes!

New UN Climate Report

The United Nations secretary-general says the report “must sound the death knell for coal and fossil fuels.” Take a look at this report and tell us what it means for Canada and more specifically, Alberta.